EVOLVERS was created to deliver unique and customized solutions in Governance and Integrity to organizations operating in Brazil, since their realities, needs, structures and challenges are absolutely unique and require a tailor-made approach, with individual strategies and actions, with really experienced market leaders.
Our exclusive and innovative attributes are due to the solid expertise of our founders and strategic partners, amongst which we highlight below:
(click on the people's boxes for their resumes, desktop versions only)
Entrepreneur, Lawyer, Mediator and Consultant specialized in
Strategic Management of Governance, Compliance and Legal, as well as in Fighting Corruption, with a professional experience of more than 20 years, he worked in one of the largest global corporate consulting and auditing companies, as well as at the largest global corporate law firm and also had a wide executive career in some of the world's largest multinationals, reaching positions like, amongst others, Legal & Compliance Director, Regional Chief Compliance Officer,
Executive Director, Vice President, CEO and Board Member.
With a top notch background and a very active academic life, he is also Partner of Olivetti & Regina - Attorneys at Law, Co-founder and Board Member of Brazilian Association of Law & Management, Board Advisor of Transborder Integrity Initiative as well as Board Advisor of many
third sector organizations with social impact.
Lawyer and Consultant specialized in Legal and Compliance Management, as well as in Litigation and International (Environmental) Law, with a professional experience of more than 20 years, she worked as an Associate Lawyer at an important local law firm, she was also a Legal and Tax Consultant at one of the world's largest global corporate consulting and auditing companies (Big Four) and also had a solid executive career in a multinational company, leader in its segment, reaching jointly the positions of Head of Legal Brazil and Compliance Officer Latin America
With a top notch background, active academic life and a permanent dedication to in-depth legal studies, she is also
Partner of Olivetti & Regina - Attorneys at Law.

High Performance Productivity
and Mindful Organization
Daniel Burd
Daniel Burd is an extremely respected Entrepreneur, Coach, Instructor and Speaker. Graduated in Physics at University of Sao Paulo, he has written books writer and he is truly passioned about Productivity and High Performance. Certified in the 6Ds methodology to design trainings, as well as in the ROI methodology (Return On Investments in trainings), when he was qualified by Jack Phillips himself (he is the ROI Institute). Daniel was the first one to become certified by David Allen in his GTD methodology (Getting Things Done). He developed a very impactful Corporate Program for Stress Reduction, called Mind, which focuses in Mindfulness, being highly acclaimed by many multinationals, private and public companies. Given the success of his trainings, he has been invited to expand his activities beyond the Brazilian borders, having trained professionals and executives across the world (South Africa, Cingapure, China, Europe, USA, Canada and various Latin American countries).
Claudia Vale
Customer Experience and
Customer Centric Culture

Consultant, speaker, entrepreneur and one of the strongest references of Customer Experience, Customer Centric Culture and Employee Experience in Latin America, she has been working with customer management for all her professional life, having worked for 20 years in Brazilian and international companies, in areas like Marketing, Strategy, Services, Customer Centric Culture and Customer Experience.
Founder of FLWOW!, EID Institute and CX Hub, she helps companies and professionals in Latin America to learn and develop those topics, significantly raising the quality level of their relationships with their customers, users and employees

Thiago Salgado
Family Businesses
Growth & Development
Ag-Engineer by ESALQ/USP, entrepreneur, board member, consultant and mentor with a lot of experience in management, governance, strategy, innovation and leadership. He went through all the typical challenges of growing and evolving a family business (as son, brother, partner, heir, executive and CEO of Sanavita), leading all its structuring process. He became one of the Brazil's foremost specialists in family business and founded FAMILIA S.A., a digital platform which connects, empowers and generates opportunities to family businesses which wish to grow without loosing their family harmony. He is also Member of the Family Businesses Committee at IBGC and Amcham (being also its Board Member), Director of ACIPI (Commercial and Industrial Association of Piracicaba), Professor at ESALQ/USP's MBA in Marketing, besides being a facilitator and speaker in various "in company" programs on people development
Thomas Conti
Economic Analysis, Data Science
& Business Intelligence

PhD in Economics and Data Scientist, Professor at INSPER, guest Professor at UNICAMP's Law & Economics Postgraduate Program, as well as Brazil Law School's Master Program.
Thomas is also a distinguished Consultant in judicial technical analysis, data analysis and business intelligence.
Extremely respected Researcher in Economic Analysis of Law (Law & Economics) as well as in Economics of Crime.
He is a member of the Brazilian Association of Law and Economics (ABDE) and of the Brazilian Association of Jurimetry (ABJ).
He also manages the 'Law & Economics' Facebook pagen, which is the largest page dedicated to spreading Law & Economics in Brazil

Ivan Rigoletto
Environment, Health and Safety
One of the most respected EHS leaders in Latin America, he is a Chemical (and Labor Safety) Engineer, Master in Civil Engineer and PhD in Mechanical Engineer by UNICAMP, holds an MBA in Corporate Management by FGV with additional postgraduate program at Texas A&M University. He has more than 25 years of strong experience in various industries (IT, automotive, chemical and mining), having also been its head, as Director of Sustainability, Environment, Health and Safety of top multinationals. He has also served as Environmental Planning and Management at Campinas Environment and Sustainable Development Secretary/Ministry. He is also an autor of various books in the field, as well as being a Professor at some universities and MBA courses

Daniele Costantini
Design Thinking and
Human Centered Design
Design Thinker, Disruptive Innovation Doctrinaire, Engineer and International Designer, Daniele is an Italian who is passioned about innovation and creativity, he was one of the pioneers in working and effectively applying Design Thinking in Latin America and also with significant social impact. In his one-of-a-kind multinational executive experience, he traveled the world to build a vip clients net and to lead global teams which were widely spread, being responsible for leading project in Italy, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Sweden, Denmark, Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Peru, Equator, Colombia, Libya, USA and UK

Criminal Compliance
and Leniency Agreements
Alexandre Wunderlich
Alexandre Wunderlich is a renowned criminal lawyer and Professor of Criminal Law, with recognized expertise in corporate economic criminal law, having participated as a strategic leader in some of the most important leniency agreements negotiations in Brazilian history, with international consequences. He is a PhD and Master in Criminal Law by PUCRS, being its Professor as well as in many other postgraduate programs, like IBCCRIM and Insper. He has been Co-founder and President of IEC (Criminal Studies Institute) and is member of the editorial boards of REC (Criminal Studies Maganize) and RBCC (Brazilian Magazine of Criminal Sciences)
Celino Bento de Souza
Intellectual Property,
Trademarks and Patents

Celino Bento de Souza is a Lawyer and Patent Attorney, who is an important reference in Brazil regarding Intellectual Property, Industrial Property, Trademarks, Patents, being the Founder of a highly successful IP firm - Beérre Marcas e Patentes, as well as he is also the Founding Partner of Bento de Souza Advogados Attorneys at Law.
He leads groups of various professionals focusing on defending trademarks and patents, having is his portfolio a wide range of legal and administrative tools and remedies, with client of high calibre in Brazil and abroad
Walmir Pires
Clients' Growth Strategies
and Business Development

Extensive experience at challenged and complex environment as Executive, Board Member and Advisor in several industries, markets and countries.
Strong emphasis in areas such as Corporate and Business Strategy, Mergers & Acquisitions, Reorganization and Business Design, Enterprise Management and Corporate Governance.
Recognized expertise in Management and Leading processes as Strategic, Operational and Financial Turnaround; Change Management; Corporate Investments Portfolio; Organic and Inorganic Growth; and Businesses Performance.

Information Technology
and Telecommunication
Marco Aurélio Dioto
Professional with 30 years of solid experience in leading strategies of Information Technology and Telecommunications for Latin America, in important multinational groups, Marco Dioto is also an entrepreneur, partner and COO of Origem Vegana and Seo Brocolis.
Graduated in Data Processing by Mackenzie and in Business Administration by FIG, specialist in Systems Analysis by FAAP and hold an Executive MBA in Information Technology by FGV and Ohio University (USA)